Newest Painting: Crazy Bass Lines

August 5th, 2009 by jules

This painting is of the song Crazy by Gnarls Barkley.

Each pattern of dots and loops is an instrument that you can follow through the song.  Each layer of the song was captured by my little Polaroid as I painted it and resides here on my Flickr account, if you want to check it out deconstructed.

This is the third song painting I’ve done now, and have so many ideas for future ones, I better get painting!

Summer Inspiration: Drawing Quickly

July 31st, 2009 by jules

I’ve never been too proud of my skills…I usually use as a way to plot out paintings, but never as an end in itself.  But I do find that regardless of your skill level, is fun and time seems to stand still.  Maybe its self-indulgent and that’s why I always put it on the back burner…?

Anyway, my friend J.L. recently challenged me on the spot to draw a pic of us and scan it back to him in 15min.  My immediate reaction was “Can I have 20min?”  I needed to find some paper, grab a pencil and find a reference picture.  Plus I needed to plug in my scanner after wiping an inch of dust off it!  Suffice it to say, it was a lot of fun.  I do actually prefer to draw quickly. It was also a good way to get me to do something I love to do, which has been falling to the wayside recently with all the activities of summer.  With summer taking over, it was just what I needed, some much needed summer .

So I challenge you…draw a pic of someone in 15min and send it to me…

Don’t think about [...] Continue Reading…

Painting: Picking the Colour

July 18th, 2009 by jules

Not all painting we get to do in our lives is exactly Fine .  For instance, this weekend I am painting the garage door at my Mom’s house.

After all my years of painting and education, wouldn’t you know it, we picked the wrong shade of the colour.  The house is grey (or so we thought) but it has a tiny bit of siding near the roof.  The plan was to match the siding with the garage doors, then paint the front door in an accent colour.

We went to home depot, got a bunch of samples, poured over them, took them outside, contemplated and finally and carefully picked the colour.

As I finish the first coat, my shoulders slump.  Now the house looks beige…what is going on?  Doesn’t this kind of thing happen to people who only paint every 10 years or so?  This shouldn’t happen to me.  Not me, someone who paints at least weekly and has painted two full houses with a Purdy brush even, ne’er a roller to be used!  Well, it happened and it got me thinking, if I can make this mistake, what chance do others have of picking the right colours?  And the paint shops [...] Continue Reading…

Abstract Art? What IS Abstract Art?

July 7th, 2009 by jules

The term gets thrown around a lot.  It seems that any time a piece of is not Realism, the term Abstract is used…

In the colloquial sense, what is Abstract Art?  I see it being used as a blanket term which encompasses many movements:  , Cubism, De Stijl, , Modern Art…

What these styles of Art have in common that become referred to as Abstract Art, is Art that is more concerned with getting across beauty, a feeling or a thought, than worrying about representing things in a realistic manner.  I am a huge fan of “Abstract Art,” because due to the invention of the camera, Realism seems lost to me.

I enjoy the act of painting but the part is just a way to control my painting.  If almost any artist takes enough time in a they can capture a realist quality but what more does that add to the work, I wonder?  As you may know I am a huge fan of the Dada movement, mostly for the unexpectedness.  My taste in Art is quite clear if you follow my links on twitter, but if not, here are some examples of Dada influenced Abstract Art [...] Continue Reading…

Done! (As in: my artwork is done!)

June 22nd, 2009 by jules

When is done painting for a particular session he leaves the work or pushes it away.  I know when he’s done because he exclaims it…”Done!”

Me, how do I know when my piece is done?

Usually I start with an idea and , like a song or nature.  Then I like to take a turn in the piece and use chance in a way to push the work in a new direction.  If I get a happy feeling, its done.  If not, I keep going or set it aside until further inspiration hits.  I know its vague, but for me its a feeling-when I feel happy, the piece is done.

How do you know when your work is done?

Do you ever go back years later and work on a “completed piece?”

Tree study updated in gallery, take a look if you like!

Jules Gallery Updated!

June 8th, 2009 by jules

This is one of my first self-portraits.  It was done back in School, in a theme.  When I began the project I thought I would have no luck with it, but after trying it, this is now my favourite self portrait and I have not done one since.

This piece was the start of my music-inspired painting.  I have progressed to painting songs now but I have these guys to thank.

Although I love and have taken a few courses in it, I haven’t really given it a go as yet, but I plan to and soon!

One of my first pen & ink works.  I have used this technique a few times since, but it is inspiring my to use it more often.

Test for Link Directory

June 2nd, 2009 by jules

Link Directory

Admin stuff…please disregard.  Many Thanks! 

New work added to Guest Gallery

May 31st, 2009 by jules

Just added this piece by .

Gallery Updated: 4 Works by Jules

May 29th, 2009 by jules

Added 4 pieces of Work to Abstract Gallery-click here

This photo you may recognise…it is the one I use for the background on the website…

4 Recent Additions: Nate’s Gallery

May 25th, 2009 by jules

We added 4 new works to ’s Gallery this week, let us know what you think!

(This one is my favourite, )