Archive for the ‘Abstract’ Category

Time for some serious updates!

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Its been a while since we’ve updated this site, but we’ve still been painting and isn’t it time for a new look for julesandnate?  Lots of ideas in the works, here’s one to get the ball rolling, from

Untitled no.23

November jn Collaborations

Sunday, November 22nd, 2009

and I have been busy with life lately, but we remembered that one of the things in life we enjoy is painting together.  To that end we made some time to paint…finally!  Don’t let life get in the way of your passions, its these moments of happiness that string themselves together that make your life what you want it to be.

Untitled 4Untitled 5

Nate Goes Digital

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

has ventured into the digital realm in his painting, Thanks to the invention of the iPhone…here are a couple of his first ones.  When is going digital?  Not any time soon I don’t think, but you never know.

Lady Bugs



Parsec by Stereolab

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

ParsecThis painting was the second musical painting I did based on a song called Parsec by Stereolab.  It was for a friend in California where it has hung in his living room for years now.  He is planning to move back to Canada soon which I am very happy about, maybe I should do a companion piece as a welcome home present….hmmm.

Summer Paintings: New work by Nate

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Untitled no.19Untitled no.20Untitled no.21Untitled no.22

has been busy!

This summer has not been the hottest weather-wise but it has been great for going outside, not leaving a ton of time for painting unfortunately.

However, Thanks to a few days of rain, Nate has completed some more new paintings this summer…

Newest Painting: Crazy Bass Lines

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Crazy Bass LinesThis painting is of the song Crazy by Gnarls Barkley.

Each pattern of dots and loops is an instrument that you can follow through the song.  Each layer of the song was captured by my little Polaroid as I painted it and resides here on my Flickr account, if you want to check it out deconstructed.

This is the third song painting I’ve done now, and have so many ideas for future ones, I better get painting!

Abstract Art? What IS Abstract Art?

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

The term Abstract Art gets thrown around a lot.  It seems that any time a piece of Art is not Realism, the term Abstract is used…

In the colloquial sense, what is ?  I see it being used as a blanket term which encompasses many movements:  , Cubism, De Stijl, Expressionist, Modern Art…

What these styles of Art have in common that become referred to as Abstract Art, is Art that is more concerned with getting across beauty, a feeling or a thought, than worrying about representing things in a realistic manner.  I am a huge fan of “Abstract Art,” because due to the invention of the camera, Realism seems lost to me.

I enjoy the act of painting but the drawing part is just a way to control my painting.  If almost any artist takes enough time in a drawing they can capture a realist quality but what more does that add to the work, I wonder?  As you may know I am a huge fan of the Dada movement, mostly for the unexpectedness.  My taste in Art is quite clear if you follow my links on twitter, but if not, here are some examples of Dada influenced Abstract Art I like:

Marcel Duchamp

Nude Descending a Staircase No.2 Duchamp_-_Nude_Descending_a_Staircase

George Grosz

The Pillars of Society grosz

Francis Picabia

Star Dancer on a Transatlantic Steamer


And here is one of mine…

Done with Printing

Done with Printing

Gallery Updated: 4 Works by Jules

Friday, May 29th, 2009

Added 4 pieces of to Abstract Gallery-click here

This photo you may recognise…it is the one I use for the background on the website…
